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Old 04-09-2016, 08:36 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Michigan
Posts: 426

THANK YOU----ALL OF YOU---You're ALL wonderful!!!!!!!!! I watched each and every one of the tutorials that was suggested by you, and FINALLY, I've got it!!! I figured out AFTER watching them all and then going back to my original Jenny Doan tutorial, that I'd cut at 90* instead of the 45* like I thought I had. Stupid is as stupid does. I sooooo very much appreciate ALL of you for being here for me. Sorry, but I do not have a camera to take pictures, or else I'd show you my stupidity up close and personal. I think I'll change my name to stupidgrma instead of grmamrtha. It's most appropriate for me. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!
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