Thread: how close
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Old 05-01-2016, 02:59 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Illinois
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So I looked at this quilt from across the room for several days and finally decided to crosshatch in the plain squares to see how I liked that. With the weight of the batt, it seemed to "stiffen" the piece so then opted to put a tie in the middle of the 9 patches. As far as appearance, I like it and hope it holds up well for my friend. I want the quilt to drape well for her as I'm told the therapy will be chilling--more than one way--but this should cuddle well with the puffy batt and flannel backing. Thank you to those who responded to my inquiry.

Dunster, I looked at those 2 links and the one for the 4 oz weight says it can be used as back fabric. Surely a person has to use a regular backing with that?? Never heard of using batt on the outside. I've used fleece for backing without a batt but never a batt without backing. Hmm..... Interesting. I'd think that would disintegrate with use/laundering.
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