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Old 05-02-2016, 05:44 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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I have been looking for the sewing room floor all weekend. I pile my scraps. So....i purchased a pop-up laundry basket (white mesh) for $2.88 at Wally World and now I plan to toss the scraps into it. Once it is filled, I plan to bag it up and pass it along. I don't do "scrappy". Only because I am not that focused on cutting up leftovers into manageable pieces. In fact, I used to donate my scraps to a charity group that teaches people to sew/piece. Now they don't even want my scraps...they want...YARDAGE. So, my scraps will be offered to those who truly are intersted in having them. But for now, they have a place to reside until I bag them up.

Oh, I DID find my floor!

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