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Old 05-03-2016, 03:55 PM
Geri B
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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I have several of the old metal ones...point being......old is better than new....I think I'll name mine Sam........

speaking of cheap new versions. When my girls were kids we played Kurplunk...loved decided to go buy one for gd....well cost $15, ok, like every thing else, prices have gone up.. Came home and unpacked...?The tower was so lite weight and the sticks were thinner than toothpicks, plastic and bent ever so slightly....enough so that they slid out of the holes by my total frustration and anger I went on line and wrote the company a scathing email. Paid off....recd an apology and in the mail recd a gift certificate for $15. I'm sure the product will NOT improve, but I will hesitate when I buy games/toys in the future......
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