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Old 05-05-2016, 04:48 AM
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Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 464

Husband just had a heart stent put in last week. Because of our huge co-pay, his Meds will cost over $1100.00!!! I almost had a heart attack! The doctor gave us a 3 month supply of samples. He is hesitant to prescribe an older Med, as he prefers this one. The "old" drug would still cost us $600.00. The Canadian company, his office recommended, will cost us about $100.00. Between the drug companies, the "special interest" lobbyists, and the insurance companies, the American public is being raped. I fully understand that profits need to be made and that research and development assures we have advancements, but, in my fathers case, one pill cost over $800.00. Why? Do the executives in the drug companies and insurance companies really need multimillion dollar jets, golden parachute retirement plans, and recreation clubs built exclusively for them? I do understand that they "earn" those perks, but, come on-my husband owns his own business, and our benefits are the same as our employees--and my husband provides them to his employees at his own expense.
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