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Old 05-07-2016, 04:20 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

Congratulations to you on having a daughter who picked herself up and changed her life. My son went through a "bad" time but found his way. He is married to a wonderful person, has a beautiful, charming 6 year old daughter Zoe, the light of our lives, and on May 27 he will graduate from nursing school after going part-time and having a full-time job with a 3 hour daily commute. I have 2 beautiful children who have done well for themselves and are now happily married. We are so proud of James, he was 42 in Jan., so he's not so young any more, but has found his way. I thank you for sharing your story and you have bragging rights, as you obviously gave her the groundwork to become the person she is. Happy Mother's Day.
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