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Old 05-24-2016, 09:36 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Default Free Motion Quilting

I'm teaching myself -- or trying to -- to free motion quilt. I have the machine for it....or so it says...a Brother Innov'is 450Q, with the darning foot (which I have not yet worked up the nerve to "break" as Leah Day suggests doing), and have, I think, worked out the tension so I don't get eyelashes. I've set my stitch length to as near zero as possible: 02.

But, boy, am I bad at this! My circles are wonky, I am apparently incapable of stippling, and I can't do pebbles either. I can meander fairly well, and oddly enough I find creating swirls fairly easy, and can make a series of "waves" (that look like cresting ocean waves) that are consistent. And I think I have the speed pretty well understood. A big help was a video by a guy named Rob (right?) who said big stitches were usually caused by slow machine speed and fast moving fabric. On my next attempt I realized he's right. But the line of stitches themselves still sometimes look peculiar, not neat and smooth and precise as I see in the videos. I assume this is a speed problem and I'll get better. I hope, anyway.

The biggest aggravation is the jerkiness that I feel while moving the fabric. I've watched two dozen videos and in all of them the fabric appears to move so smoothly; I see none of the jerkiness or resistance that I'm experiencing. I've sprayed a silicone spray on my machine bed, without much noticeable difference, and have now covered it with wax paper, which is somewhat better. Haven't yet invested in a slider but may in future....if I decide I can actually do this. Right now I'm somewhat obsessed with it. I can't master it but can't leave it alone. It doesn't help that I am a long time amateur artist (I draw and paint) feel I should be better at this!

Any tips or hints or suggestions -- or encouragement -- by those who have been where I am?
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