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Old 05-25-2016, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by mme3924 View Post
I'm teaching myself -- or trying to -- to free motion quilt. I have the machine for it....or so it says...a Brother Innov'is 450Q, with the darning foot (which I have not yet worked up the nerve to "break" as Leah Day suggests doing), and have, I think, worked out the tension so I don't get eyelashes. I've set my stitch length to as near zero as possible: 02.

But, boy, am I bad at this! My circles are wonky, I am apparently incapable of stippling, and I can't do pebbles either. I can meander fairly well, and oddly enough I find creating swirls fairly easy, and can make a series of "waves" (that look like cresting ocean waves) that are consistent. And I think I have the speed pretty well understood. A big help was a video by a guy named Rob (right?) who said big stitches were usually caused by slow machine speed and fast moving fabric. On my next attempt I realized he's right. But the line of stitches themselves still sometimes look peculiar, not neat and smooth and precise as I see in the videos. I assume this is a speed problem and I'll get better. I hope, anyway.

The biggest aggravation is the jerkiness that I feel while moving the fabric. I've watched two dozen videos and in all of them the fabric appears to move so smoothly; I see none of the jerkiness or resistance that I'm experiencing. I've sprayed a silicone spray on my machine bed, without much noticeable difference, and have now covered it with wax paper, which is somewhat better. Haven't yet invested in a slider but may in future....if I decide I can actually do this. Right now I'm somewhat obsessed with it. I can't master it but can't leave it alone. It doesn't help that I am a long time amateur artist (I draw and paint) feel I should be better at this!

Any tips or hints or suggestions -- or encouragement -- by those who have been where I am?
I might have missed it but I didn't see what size quilt you are trying to work with. Larger quilts may cause drag that some of the videos may not be showing because they are working with smaller projects. I have my quilts fairly well supported but still get drag sometimes.
It sounds like to me you are doing well so far. It may just take more practice to get those designs you would like to use in your free motion quilting.
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