Thread: I can't stop!
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Old 05-27-2016, 11:44 PM
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Default I can't stop!

Something is seriously wrong with me. I have bins, closets, cupboards and drawers full of beautiful fabric. I have UFOs that I'm still in love with and have every intention of finishing soon. (Even made a schedule.) But lately when I sit down at the machine I always end up sewing together strings, crumbs, and orphan patches from the scrap bin. I've pieced together two quilt tops and have enough blocks for at least two more. Somehow I need to snap out of it and get back to finishing my many UFOs so I can dig into that gorgeous fabric that's calling to me. I told DH that whenever he finds a stray scrap of fabric he has my permission to toss it out. They do seem to multiply when I'm not looking. I could swear that string bucket was almost empty the last time I looked.
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