Thread: Facebook
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Old 05-31-2016, 03:48 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Midwest
Posts: 245

Have you already set up your account or are you trying to access an account which has already been established? Many times one must retype a mixture of letters and/or numbers as you see them in order to proceed on a website. If this is what you are finding simply type in the mixture as you see it and it will let you proceed. If you have never established an account this may help. I set up my own account but do not remember just what it entailed. If you are still having problems why not ask one of your children or a friend to help you establish the account. Many of our young people do well with computers and may be able to give you a hand as well. I use my account to keep in touch with my children. There is much on Facebook that you will enjoy and some worthless things as well. When setting up a list of friends be very selective in the beginning. Become friends with only those persons whom you really want to communicate with or with whom your wish to share your information. A little help from another person who has an account would do much to help you get started.
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