Thread: Facebook
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Old 06-01-2016, 06:19 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I don't "do" Facebook either, and I'm a Gen X'er. I was on there, but it just made me realize how awful so many of my extended family members are. I got tired of racist posts and un-friended a bunch of them, which caused a bunch of drama and noise. (Apparently I'm the bad guy in all that.)

I don't trust Facebook with my personal information and I don't care about what my friends had for dinner, so I shut my profile down. Technically it's still there, but I don't go on there anymore and I have it set so people can't tag me in photos or on posts. People can message me and I'll get an email, other than that it's all shut down and I like it that way.
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