Thread: Facebook
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Old 06-02-2016, 04:26 AM
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My sister has a tendency to put everything on Facebook. Information that I think should not be made public AT ALL. When Our father was ill, and you would think she was the sole caretaker. Yet it was me, she never helped. Now Mom is having issues and it is all over Facebook. I have asked her many times not to put pictures up, she said it is her right to put family picture there "to share with the extended family"...well not those of my husband, our "family", of me or of our business and I demanded them taken down. She gets angry because I don't make an effort to contact distant relatives. Most I have not seen since we were children. Many, I would not know if they walked past me at the mall. And quite a few, I want nothing to do with.
She almost lost her ability to see her only grandchild because she posted pictures of the child.
For a very short time, like 20 minutes, I had an account. A friend had a music blog that I kept up with. At one point, I was fearful of him committing suicide. I tried calling and texting him. Out of desperation, I contacted him by Facebook. He immediately contacted me, and I was able to get him to seek help. Within the time that the account was open, I had dozens of people from my past ask to be "friended" ( not sure of the actual term) and "let's get together and re-live those old times. Sorry, I was not good enough to be your friend back then, and I am WAAAY past past the point of wanting to even acknowledge you. I closed the account....or at least it is not used. My friend is healing and for that I am thankful for that 20 minutes that Facebook was there.
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