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Old 06-11-2016, 04:00 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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The sports fabric I wanted was with other prints for kids (cars, trucks, monkeys) so in my mind they were "juvenile" although not "baby". So her response, after I got over the shock of how she snapped, didn't rule out my question. Maybe SHE was thinking sports as sports with a team logo, who knows. It was actually her husband and co-owner who asked her the question, so maybe she was snapping at him, but either way, I felt bad for him and was feeling small myself by standing there next to him when he approached her.

Later I asked her if she carried any outdoor fabric (I didn't think so, but ya never know what might be lurking in the shadows) . She asked what for and said a swing. Again, her question had a tone. "You want to cover a swing?" I had to explain it's a porch glider, upholstered, in bad shape cosmetically but not structurally. So yes, I wanted to cover the existing ratty old fabric with new. Maybe it's just her way, or she was in a foul mood, but her tone made me feel as if my questions were stupid.
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