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Old 06-20-2016, 03:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Geri B View Post
Heat here in Midwest not nearly as bad as west coast, but I find as I get older, my tolerance for being outside in hot weather is I cacoon in a/c house (75)..... So now I cacoon in dead of winter with snow( hate) and freezing and below freezing temps, and now also in summer......boohoo! Feel like a recluse! Need to find a place where temps are moderate year round - hints please!
Oh, Geri B, I love to sew outside - either by machine or by hand. I have a deck out front facing east and a patio out back facing west. When it gets hot here in Minnesota - anything over 65*, I head for the shade. My favorite is out front, where I can wave to the neighbors, sit under a birch tree with lots of dingle-dangles hanging from it and is the stopping off point for walkers who like to look at the stuff I have hanging - anything from porcelain angels to hummer feeders, to crystal prisms and mirrors (little tiny ones that reflect the sun and twinkle on the grass from the sun reflecting on it. I learned to love Minnesota weather. You go out in the winter to buy food, you go out in the summer to mow the lawn and enjoy the sounds of the birds, and motorcycles!!!!! I am a German Swede so it is so obvious that I belong where my mother and father planted me. Yesterday it hit 93 and it was gorgeous out. Last night it poured buckets and drop baseball sized hail in Northern Minnesota - Gotta love it!!!!! And at 78, I do so appreciate my state and its weather so much more. Today is the first day of summer, and I don't even remember having a Spring. Seriously!!!! We had snow in May, frost in May, cold weather in June. We had the "Back to the '50's Car Show this weekend. It's summer.

Enjoy this weather. I love it. Even the dead of winter. I have my birds chirping in the house, the dog wants out and I get a blast of the cold weather, but honestly I can't complain. I would rather live here than anywhere else on earth. Spoken like a true Minnesotan or a weird German-Swede! Carpe Diem! Edie
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