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Old 06-20-2016, 09:32 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 353

We're in southern FL so 90-95 highs hit in mid May, for afternoon temps, every day with humidity 75% and higher. Our A/C is set at 80, day and night, we never change it. If we happen to get a cooling rain (which happens less and less now), we open the bedroom windows and turn off air. We have ceiling fans in all rooms except baths. Since we've been here over 45 years now, I'm acclimated to the heat except for being in direct sun outdoors. Our electric bills never are over $200 in the summer and winter bill is usually $60-$70. We only run furnace in the winter if we get a cold front with frost. Even if it's only in the 60's during the day, house stays comfortable, 70's, doors and windows are open, which is most of the time. Love February, in FL
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