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Old 07-15-2016, 05:21 AM
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Now Jaba..that's really a lame excuse for "having to shop"...LOL but I agree..I like coordination and fabrics that blend! Since I'm in both groups I'm sure to get some of the black AND the grey.
OMG Kass I LOVE that turtle!! The brown makes the shell really stand out! I LOVE it!!

Ive been making all the "Patch Pal" animals and I have 4 more to make until I'm done with all of of those is a turtle...I don't care much for the colors they had in the pattern so am trying to change it around a little with different colors.. Got the cat, penguin and owl plus turtle and I think 3 of these will be hard to get "just right"....NO idea why I started the animal quest but I'm about done...8 are at the quilters, or will be this week...Then to find another "project"..Can you ever have TOO many projects or finished quilts laying around??
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