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Old 07-16-2016, 04:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 40

Things are going well - I managed to get the balance wheel off! But I rethought what I'd written above about the engraving on the needle plate. I don't think the number is a part number - that probably came later with big factories like Singer. I think it's the *serial number*! Number 418 - that was probably its production number.

And I checked with Google Maps - Perth is actually almost 50 miles from where I live, in Ottawa. But it's only about *5* miles from where I found Venus, in Balderson. So it looks like this little machine was bought locally and never left the area where it was built. I like these little details; it feels like peeking into the actual life of the people who used these machines.
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