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Old 07-17-2016, 08:32 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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Originally Posted by tkhooper
I've noticed the window and door thing. Really messes up the design wall. I may have to take your idea and try for something free leaning.
I can highly recommend the 3/4" insulation boards that lowes sells. They're 4' x 8' and if you needed to cut them you could probably do it pretty easily. Mine are just duct taped together and the felt is duct taped to them. I leaned them up against the various furniture and then used some heavy books on the floor in front of the two corners to keep it from sliding.

I just used to spray baste a top to the backing/batting. Much easier than my usual drape over a table and pin. All I had to do was pin the backing (to which I'd fused the batting) to the design wall and then spray the batting with 505 and put the top over that. I'll put up a picture on the pictures section.

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