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Old 07-23-2016, 07:38 PM
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Jeanne, it's not in a restaurant at all. This particular location was formerly a bank, and the owner gets to use an actual bank vault in the escapes! The "restaurant' was just the setting in the small room we used, which only requires two participants. The other two escapes there each use a much larger space, have many more clues to find and puzzles to solve, and need six participants, for an hour. There are "Escapes" in and near most large cities, I believe. I know someone in South Carolina, who is familiar with them down there. Just google "escape room Tulsa" and you should find some near you. They are not all called Escape Room, though "escape" seems to be part of the names of most of them. The one we went to is not a franchise at all, just privately owned. Pittsburgh is the closest large city near me, and I think I found four of them when I googled.
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