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Old 07-28-2016, 03:19 PM
Janice McC
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There are three ways to end up with more blocks other than making them for yourself:

1. Join both groups.

2. Double up, essentially making two blocks for the other members in the same group who also want more blocks. This is absolutely NOT a requirement. We did this in Boom 16's 2 month group, with just about 2/3 of the members doubling up and the remaining 1/3 making only a single block but we started out as a small group. It worked out fine. The thing is that if too many people want to double up, then it can cause a number of problems including the need for more fabric and tighter shipping containers. If it looks to become too burdensome on my end, I will not hesitate to pull the double up option.

3. Arrange side swaps. Side swaps are private swaps between individual members, are NOT my responsibility. Any side swaps must be done outside of this forum. To be blunt, if there are issues with side swaps, it's not my problem. I've got my hands full.

This is one of the reasons I didn't want anyone to send fabric in advance. Until the swap closes Sunday night, I won't know the count. And as I said, if this double up idea becomes unwieldy with too many people wanting to do it, I'll just call a halt to it and everyone can make a single block and arrange their own side swaps.

Hope that helps.

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl View Post
Janice, can you explain a bit how 'doubling up' works? Do those people send two for everyone and make two for everyone?

Even if that doesn't happen I suppose we can each make a few blocks for our quilts with our own fabric....

Last edited by Janice McC; 07-28-2016 at 03:25 PM.
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