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Old 07-31-2016, 06:39 PM
Jane Quilter
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Join Date: Apr 2016
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Originally Posted by Irene C. View Post
Ok ladies I'm back, been digging in a couple of buckets the past few hours and cutting.....15 is what I got cut.
Here is what I've decided to do/,did....where I had enough fabric I cut an extra block and put them in a big Ziploc baggie. These I will use for a couple of pillows or shams, I also cut as many 3 inch squares as I could of any leftover bits.......but why you ask......prairie points. Yes I'm crazy, but the more I cut the more I realized I could really make a dent on my scrap buckets and use a lot of it up.
One more thing I did was cut a little piece of every fabric I used and used another baggie, these are for me to keep track of the fabric I've used so I don't duplicate any fabrics on the following months. I am going to try and make 36 blocks every month and there is no way I will remember all the fabric....especially if I used all of the scrap.
Big challenge, lots of work for me, I'm going to love it when I am done. Wish me luck luck.
I took a photo of my fabrics, but a baggy is a good idea.
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