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Old 08-01-2016, 08:52 AM
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Originally Posted by ManiacQuilter2 View Post
I love my Bernina 1530. The only thing that has been replaced is the bobbin case because I foolishly used can air to clean out those pesky little dust bunnies! She is still running fine, needs to go in for her cleaning and I hope she outlast me. What seems to be your problem?? My friend, who has a 1230, had to have her board replaced.
ManiacQuilter2, I also use a can of air to clean by bobbin area sometimes. What did the can of air do that made you have to replace the bobbin case? I am interested as I don't want to wreck my 1530 either.

To Kimcatlou: My friend just bought a 1530 for $950 (USD) and I would think that before you put more money into your machine that I would have a certified Bernina person look at it (if your repairman wasn't one) and have him evaluate it. Another used Bernina, even though they do hold their price value, may be cheaper than another big repair bill. Just my opinion. I love my Bernina and I have had it since the 1530's first came out and nothing major has gone out on it.
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