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Old 08-02-2016, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by NikkiLu View Post
Wonderful quilts! I, too, used to have peacocks about 40 years ago when we first moved to this little farm. We are on a private road with 2 other houses and we are at the dead end. A perfect place to have peafowl as our neighbors are far away. And YES they are noisy. They are like dogs that bark at any varmit or stranger that comes. They roost high in the trees around our house and can see anything crawling around - such as a coyote, possum, raccoon, etc. They have a really loud yell - that sounds like a woman screaming 'HELP". Our male was so beautiful, my DH found an old HUGE mirror at a garage sale, maybe from a dresser. He leaned it up against the barn and the stupid male peacock would see his reflection in the mirror and start strutting, with his tale feathers held up high. They lose their long tail feathers in the summer and finally get them back in the winter. Ours was mean and would attack us - so DH had to sell him.

All sounds very familiar. Ours weren't mean, and I had a couple of times when the hens actually hatched their eggs without anything getting them and then we had baby peafowl. Loved them and their beauty.
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