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Old 08-16-2016, 04:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Prism99 View Post
asheryl, I find it helps to glue baste the binding in place before sewing.
This works for me. I sew to the front, fold to the back, glue baste so that the fold just covers the stitching line, then stitch in the ditch from the front. The corners may need a few pins to keep the miter in place.

Use a pin to really push that binding over the edge of the quilt as you turn the corner. If you keep that corner down tight, with glue or pins, the perfect miter will form.

After doing it this way for a long time, I have learned to do it without glue. And the back really turns out almost really great! I just need help with the corners, so pin them well before sewing.
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