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Old 08-19-2016, 07:03 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I think I've always had an eye for color - not in the sense that I have good fashion (I definitely don't have that), but in the sense that if I look at a color I can tell - that's mostly red with a touch of blue and a little titch of black. My mom collects various old pottery and she'll get pieces that had little chips in the glaze - as a kid I used to take my acrylic paints and blend matching shades and dot paint into the chips to disguise them. I could get a perfect match, every single time.

So my husband and I disagree about paint colors, a LOT. He'll call something "pure blue" and I have to say, "no, that has some red in it, it's a royal blue" - but he just can't see the red in it. I've actually taken paint out to show him, that color cannot be attained from primary blue without adding red. He'll be sort of confused but agree once he sees that, but he can't see it without the demonstration. I've actually wondered a few times if he isn't subtly color-blind. He passes all the tests, but who can tell what another person's eyes are seeing.
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