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Old 08-25-2016, 05:01 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Western NY
Posts: 152

I just recently went through all the research (and angst) to pick my fabric cutter system. I eventually settled on the accuquilt go! Big, bought the 12" qube, a couple of the drunkards path dies and some strip dies. What finally tipped the balance was the electric and that I wouldn't need to crank the dies through. I can sit with the cutter on a table at perfect sitting height and run the dies through without needing to stand for leverage while turning the handle. Standing for any length of time is very painful for me and really limits my mobility, and I didn't want to add shoulder problems to the train wreck that is my lower back and legs.
This was not a cheap purchase (no kidding right?) and I will be selling my bernina 430 to pay for it as soon as it comes back from its tune up, but I have already cut out my first quilt top (in 3 hours!) and have the next 3 projects already planned with fabric purchased and ready to go. I really love how easy it is to use 🙂
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