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Old 09-01-2016, 09:16 PM
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Having had health issues for past 2 years, we decided to get rid of all house plants. Here in SC we have all kind of plants outside. There is usually something blooming throughout the year in the yard. We decided to let the Lord be our Gardener! He does a better job anyway.

Hubby keeps the 2 acres mowed and and trimmed. We love camellias and they do beautifully here and don't need any special care. I've day lilies that also need no care except occasional feelings. Azaleas everywhere which are my least favored but hubby loves them.
I love house plants but they just became to burdensome for us.

My hubby and I are back volunteering at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens in the greenhouse on Mondays. I wasn't able to do much of anything until I had my 3rd back surgery 6 months ago for artificial disk implantation. Now I feel as if I never had a back problem. Just getting to the best, right doctor makes all the difference in our health sometimes. It did for me this time.
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