Old 09-23-2016, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by janRN View Post
Hi, ladies. Just got caught up on the posts, love reading about all yinz are up to. Everyone is so busy but aren't we blessed that we can do all these things?

I finally finished my stained glass block; almost 200 small pieces and it's supposed to finish at 12". Mine finished at 10"--I forgot to set my printer at 100%. I hope I forgot to set my printer for the rest of the blocks--I can be such a ditz at times.

Take care, do something you love today. Peace.
Ouch! Can you still use it? I'd cry if I found out my block didn't come out right after 200 itty bitty pieces.

Boy I can be a ditz most any time! The older I get, the more forgetful. But... as Dad used to say... it sure beats the alternative!
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