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Old 09-29-2016, 01:55 PM
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Default Tricks learned

Originally Posted by RobertaK1 View Post
I would like to know the tricks you learned along the way, might be helpful. Thanks
Tricks: Guess its not really a trick but paying attention to what one is doing when sewing.

In basic rag quilt making it is usually done only with a square of one size and mostly one stiches from end to end diagonally with an X.

With having the rag pieces already ragged before sewing and especially when you have different size pieces to make up a rag block when you line it up you will need to at some point center a piece over a larger piece instead of corner to corner.

Since this was a Take 5 rag block I first sewed the 2 of the 5 1/4 inch squares side by side. I than had to sew it to the 8 1/2 square and looking at it wouldn't match up. So looking at it and thinking some on it I realized I needed to center the 2 sewed 5 1/4 inch square to the 8 1/2 inch square. It needs to be centered simply because you need that seem on either side to sew the other pieces to it so it will match up.

So I took the 5 1/4 inch X 8 1/2 inch rectangle and sewed it to the other 5 1/4 inch square.

I than took the other piece which was already sewed (8 1/2 square inch with 2 of the 5 1/4 inch) and lined it up with the other piece mentioned above (the 5 1/4 inch X 8 1/2 inch rectangle) and it matched up perfectly.

Hope I make sense here and explaining it correctly.

The key to remember is when using different sizes in a block and especially with rag quilting is that we have the edges already cut if you use a die cutter like I did and we must allow that fringed cutting when we match it up.

The ragged edges with these dies is about 1 inch on all sides so we have to allow for that to be able to match it up perfectly.
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