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Old 10-06-2016, 06:51 AM
Geri B
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
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Well, I did do a road trip (30 miles one way) and got one. But, there's a backstory........before I took the trip, I thought, let me call I did, explained what and why ( distance) I was inquiring about, so she said she'd, we don't carry that mag according to the computer! Ok, I say, (can't argue with comp.)! Decided to call two others, about same distance, in different directions....same answer. Then thought maybe JAF ...called one near where first B&N is....same answer....very disheartened. DD came home from work, told her my tale of woe..."let's take a ride".......30 miles later...went into B&N, headed for mag rack.....carefully searched...nothing, ready to turn and leave...a little voice in the back of my mind said look up...on top shelf stuffed in the last row...THERE THEY WERE! Grabbed one, paid for it and out the same mall is JAF.....needed to pick up thread...and just for kicks and grins checked their mag least a dozen there! Left with a shake of the head and a smile.....went to California Pizza Kitchen for yummy lettuce wraps to celebrate my small victory. Moral: never call a store to check on a product availability, sadly.
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