Thread: Color questions
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Old 10-12-2016, 03:13 PM
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Those are pretty, but since you are new let me tell you the secret to quilting isn't color, it's 'value'. Value is how light or how dark a fabric is. In your quilt you need contrast in value. As you look at your three fabrics you chose, squint your eyes until everything is blurry, and you will only be able to see how light or dark the fabrics are. When I squint at your three fabrics, I can see the two prints are basically the same value, so that means your work will not have much contrast (although the purpley boxes in the squares print does stand out as a darker value, but there isn't much of it). You need contrast, or all your pieces will just seem to blend together. Your gray is a little bit of a contrast. Pull some more fabrics, squint at them as a group, and look for that value contrast.

Also, a fabric that reads as a "dark" against one fabric, may look like a "light" against another.

You may want to read some about color value and contrast in quilting. There are articles online and in blogs that can help you.

Good luck and hope you fall in love with quilting!

Last edited by sewbizgirl; 10-12-2016 at 03:18 PM.
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