Thread: Bionic Gear Bag
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Old 10-18-2016, 01:35 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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I love mine. I made it a couple of years ago and it has been incredibly handy. I keep it by my sewing area loaded with stuff I use all the time. When I need to move to another machine, I just pick it up and take it with me. I took it with me a tuffet making classe and found that I could fit everything I needed in it with room to spare. I love the way it rolls and zips up tight so stuff doesn't fall out, yet at the same time when you unroll it by your work area there are plenty of easily accessible places to stick items like seam rippers, stilettos, needles, marking tools, etc. all nicely organized instead of rolling around loose on the work surface and floor LOL.

I'm thinking about making another one for my other creative hobbies. The only thing is it takes a good while to make it. I think it took me about 2 days between all the fabric prep, cutting, and assembly. The person who designed it has some very good youtube videos that help with construction.--I definitely needed to watch a couple of them to make sure I understood the process.

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