Thread: Hexie question
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Old 10-23-2016, 04:17 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 13

I've been on here for a long time & I have a pattern for hexies. For a 6" hexie take a 6 1/2" sq & fold it in half & fold in half again.(opposite way) Draw a round line from one corner to another & cut on line. It make a perfect 6" circle. Mark the middle & fold one side to the middle (wrong side) & take a tiny stitch to anchor. Finger press along the side and bring the point to the middle & tack down to first point & do this all around for a perfect hex. Sounds like a lot but you can do one in about a minute. No template, plastic, no paper. It's so easy & you can make any size you want. Just cut your sq 1/4" larger than the size hex you want.
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