Old 11-01-2016, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by JuanitaBean
oksewglad thanks for sharing Scrappy Quilt show going to take some time to go through them. Can someone tell me the name of #829 the last one is it toss 9patch using a lot of black squares.? Thanks for your help
Is it the one with the black triangles? It is a disappearing 9 patch. Make a 9 patch block. (I use 5"' or 6" squares). Put a black square in center on the top row, in center on the bottom row and on the outsides in the middle row. Use print squares for the other 5 squares. Sew the 9 patch together and then cut it down the middle vertically and horizontally. You now have 4 squares.Then you flip around the squares to make the layout shown and you end up with the blacks strips. I make this quilt in a 3 colorway and a 4 colorway when I don't want it so scrappy. I am making a scrappy one for a Xmas present using 4 ivory squares in each 9 patch so it has a lot of ivory. Goodle Disappearing 9 patch and you can find directions. Or you can look me up on Pinterest (ABorning) and I have a Board called Quilts - Disappearing 9 patch. This quilt just gave me an idea. I have a 40 pack of 6" batik squares. I could make a disappearing 9 patch quilt with them using Black squares. Then I should have enough batik squares to make a decent size quilt. I also add borders around the edge of my disappearing 9 patch quilts. PM me if you want more info on this quilt pattern.
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