Thread: Tying a quilt
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Old 12-08-2016, 05:57 AM
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Originally Posted by marge954
I would like to try tying a quilt but have one question. Can you wash the quilt in the washer if you tie it? Thanks!
Most of the quilts that I used to have that were tied had a wool batt, so you can't wash that. When the top got dirty, I had to cut off the ties, take off the outside, wash it and put it back on. Lots of work. Those wool batts would shrink all out of shape if they were washed.
Then every few years, when the batt got a few holes in from wear, they were taken to the woolen mill and re-carded. Usually they had to add some extra wool. Then the top got put back on or a new top was used.

I think the wool batts that are sold now are washable. I still have one in my upstairs closet still in the package as it came from the woolen mill.
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