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Old 12-15-2016, 06:47 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Default How would you quilt this?

Originally Posted by illinois View Post
I did that one. It's been awhile but I think I did stitch in the ditch since I didn't want to take away from the directions of the piecing. By the way, did you end up with a curve in the piece when completed? I followed the directions as they were online at the time--said to always begin at the same end when stitching and I ended up with a nice curve toward the end. I didn't use the entire "foundation" but still have that extra with the curve in it to figure out how to use that.

Love your colors--nice job!
Thank you Illinois! I didn't get a curve but I've made bargellos before that I had professionally quilted and one of the patterns I used said to alternate the row stitching so you don't get curves. I've done all of my row piecing that way ever since and haven't had a problem.
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