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Old 12-16-2016, 06:43 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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i did not use my previous embroidering machine enough to have justified what i spent on it because i was just too lazy to swap out machines to use it. it is a great machine in many ways but i allowed myself to get spoiled when i upgraded to a new non-embroidering machine that surpassed its sewing features. so using the embroidering machine became a hassles instead of a joy.

i have recently sunk a pile of $$$ into a Brother Dream Machine 2 because i will be able to leave that one machine in place and more easily switch between sewing and embroidering. (i don't think the word "extravagant" even begins to cover it. lol?)

the good news is that i know i will be happy for many years to come and i am 99% sure i will get my money's worth. the bad news is that i now can't afford to get my head examined. lol

so, my advice is that if you have space in your work area for only one machine at a time, make sure to choose an embroidery-capable model that also include all the features you want and need for regular sewing/quilting, too. as long as you are sensible budget-wise when you choose you will not regret it.
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
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