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Old 12-23-2016, 09:53 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Originally Posted by lindaschipper View Post
Today I learned that misletoe grows on trees...never knew that before. Any particular kind of tree?
I grew up in So. Tex where mistletoe was prevalent in mesquite trees. I have seen it in some other kinds of trees, but not in abundance. It is a parasite and will kill the host tree if left to spread. We had a tree inside the pasture in front of our house. It was pretty when I was a kid, but when I was last home in the early 2000's it was all but dead. It was the only tree that had so much in it on our place. My parents and one sister are gone now, but my younger sister still lives in the area and I have moved to SW Iowa to be with my only child and grandchildren and am now at least a 1,000 miles from the old home place. I lived 53 years in Oklahoma and my next door neighbor got several bunches of mistletoe in an ornamental tree (just a few years old) and it had at least 3 bunches in it before it was cut down by new neighbors.
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