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Old 01-02-2017, 10:26 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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I've been thinking about something like this (my original idea was to do my work schedule, which is pretty crazy so would make an interesting-ish quilt).

I like the idea of a temperature quilt though. I might do a log-cabin quilt, but it would be one huge log cabin block. I think it would end at about 91x91" if I did 1" wide strips (or would that require 1/2"... too tired to do math right now)? The center square would be January 1, but for high/low temps would either be two rectangles or a hst. I don't know, I might have to map it out to see if I would like it.

We get from the single digits (I don't think I've seen negative numbers for a few years) to well over 100. I think I'd switch to flames at > 115, rather than just a color...

Last edited by Sleepy Hollow; 01-02-2017 at 10:38 PM.
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