Thread: Still learning
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Old 01-11-2017, 01:02 PM
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 52

Thank you for the great suggestions. Sleepy Hollow, I did watch that video using Aunt Becky. That looks like it would work slick. Prism you had some fantastic tips. You all did actually. I have bookmarked every site and video you posted.

I realized I do much better when I stitch towards myself. I can't quite get the right thumb to control the fabric on the needle but my left thumb does an pretty good job . I am in no rush to get this baby quilt done. So, I am going to take it slow and just enjoy it. I love cross stitching and a lot of that is the stitch down then back up ( in a sense) so the motion for that would be quite easy to adjust to. I may try it on some scraps. I am afraid I won't have as much consistency as I do trying the rocking method. But, I just may give that a try. Just to compare the two ways.

I love how there are so many ways to get the same results. I think quilting as well as any craft has to be enjoyable and there are always many methods to achieving great results. When starting out, it is always practice practice practice. I must remember this. I tell this to everyone I have ever taught to crochet. I need to take my own advice with quilting.
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