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Old 02-09-2017, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by QuilterMomma View Post
This is a practice dress because she has another style in mind. I bought the silk and did not have enough yardage to make the one she wants, a long one. I can't fit into either of them. She is not thrilled with the style of the dress, but likes the quilting. She wants more lace, lots of lace and sleeves. Will find another pattern to use.
I did send a photo to Superior as well because they should know how well their thread works.
She looked so happy in your dress, which was why I asked, why she would not wear it.

How special this dress will be ... a collaboration of both of your ideas and abilities to create a very special and unique custom dress. The quilting detail is amazing, and I can only imagine what it will be like once you add on all the other trimmings that she wants.
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