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Old 02-16-2017, 09:42 AM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: High Sierras of N. Calif.
Posts: 60

Two more days and I move to the next circular row, which will be back to solids. I have no idea when I will start to square off, maybe when it is wide enough. I decided it may take more than one year to finish...that's OK too. I do like having a small decision and project to complete each day.
Each time we go the the "big" city, Grass Valley, I promise myself I will buy the thermometer that saves the high of the day. I am spending way to much time checking the one we have.
Did get one day in the 50's, and have made that purple. Had to replace my one 20's which had been purple, with a white. My snow dye for blue turned out purple...necessitating the change. Moved blue to the 90's to give me time to try dying again..if no more snow will try crushed ice next summer when it will be fun to play with. Just reread this paragraph, Don't worry I don't understand it either. Blame my head cold.
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