Thread: Memories
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Old 02-27-2017, 06:40 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Gaylord, MN
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Here is my story - when I was a senior in high school, my boyfriend went into the Navy and I wanted to stay true to him so I needed something to do when my friends were going out on weekends on dates. My Mom gave me scraps from her and my sewing (I was in 4-H and sewed dresses & skirts for myself and sisters) and gave me a a half square cardboard triangle pattern and told me to trace, cut and sew the half square triangles into squares. I did that and used a quilting frame borrowed from a neighbor and tied it. My first quilt. It was a scrappy but looked great (in my thinking)I have now been married 52 years to that same boyfriend and continue to quilt. What a life. I know some of you can relate to my story.
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