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Old 02-27-2017, 07:27 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 190

Originally Posted by happylab View Post
I wondering how much fabric to have of each color. We seem to have a lot of 40-70's range this year. (not complaining). I'm doing 12 colors with light and dark range using F degrees. Not sure of fabric amounts. Curious how much yardage others are getting. Will a fat-quarter be enough?

I'm just making it simple and doing 2 1/2" squares, one roll for high temps and the next roll for low temps. Between each month have a 2 1/2" of black. On months with no dates like this month I will place a gray square to even out the rolls to 31 days. For me I'm keeping it simple. Next month I will select my colors. I leaning towards batiks and colors that go well with batiks.

I like what others are doing.
It totally depends on your blocks, quilt size and most importantly the temperature ranges you define...and Mother Nature of course. I did some research on for last year's temperatures and the various temperature ranges I was considering. I calculated out how much fabric I would have used based on last year's temps and bought a bit more of each color...just in case Mother Nature throws a monkey wrench at me.

I am making my quilts with 1.5" unfinished squares - one quilt for the daily highs and one quilt for the daily lows. I have 8 temperature ranges defined for my city. I bought 1/4 yard of the less common temperature ranges - mainly because that was the minimum I could buy. I probably could have gotten away with just 1/8 yard for some of them. For my most common temperature range I ended up buying 1/3 yard.
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