Thread: March - Boom 18
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Old 03-02-2017, 12:13 PM
Janice McC
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Lovely blocks, Lstew. I'm sorry to hear about your parents' troubles. I do hope all goes well and they see improvement soon.
Originally Posted by Lstew2212 View Post
I have been working hard tonight.





I have to go out of town on Saturday, down to GA to help take care of my parents. My father has not been doing well for quite some time and my mother is his primary caregiver. Well, she had to have emergency knee surgery after she fell. Now she is not getting around so well. Lucky for me, she has a sew machine and fabric. If I have to, I can finish my blocks at her house. I have three left to make. I am hoping to get them done tomorrow night.
Your block for LJDugas is beautiful.
Originally Posted by jlt37869 View Post
"Union Squares" for ljdugas31.
Happy to hear your therapy is over and it's much better. Whew. And it does take lots of time to work through a loss. I'm still working on it myself. It does get better though, at least in my experience. I think it's a lovely thing, putting the pup's ashes with your sister. Heartwarming.

[QUOTE=joanelizbay;7774098]My shoulder is feeling much better. Finished therapy Thur and go back to Doctor tomorrow. Sure am glad Im not facing surgery!! I know what you mean about taking a while to get over losing someone. Ill be sitting here and Charlotte will just cross my mind and Ill remember things from when we were kids...Im sure it gets easier but at least they are happy memories! Not sure if I told you all but she had a dog that was about 16 and died of old age...she had him creamated and had his ashes on her shelf. Her daughter decided to bury the ashes with Charlotte...said it would have comforted her...I thought it was a very natural thing to do also!! Definately ready for the next swap. I think I have 4
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