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Old 03-11-2017, 04:27 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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I've been quilting for over 40 years, and IMHO perfection is highly over-rated. This is a hobby for most of us, and we need to relax. That's not to say that we shouldn't do our best work, but occasionally we can snip off the point of a star, or make a wonky block, or make a piece too big/small. We are all way too critical of our own work.

That said, as I age, I notice I need to be a little more careful when I cut fabric and bump up the wattage of the light bulbs in my sewing room - I don't see as well. I now have a 1/4" foot for my machine. I square up blocks and even add strips around them if they end up too small. I sometimes make a block a larger size and cut it down to the right size (the Studio 180 way) if it is crucial. Even though I hate it, I do paperpiece occasionally to make sure I get it close to perfect.

The quilt that improved my skill the most was "Dear Jane" which entailed piecing, paper piecing, applique, reverse applique. But even with that, the author, Brenda Papdakis, noted that "finished is better than perfect." So enjoy the journey and don't worry so much.
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