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Old 04-04-2017, 04:18 AM
Kit Kat
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: NB, Canada
Posts: 5

Good Morning Everyone:
I'd like to Thank everyone from around the globe for all the welcomes and very good advice. Also for being so understanding and sharing the fact that you too have had times you had overpaid for a machine you wanted. I do love my machine. It runs so well, and I love using it. I love all my machines. Your probably right about thinking I won't buy anymore but another will come along. I kinda hope not thought. I don't really have room for anymore. I have a small bedroom I use for a sewing room and it's full, with all my sewing, quilting materials, notions and stuff, plus the machines. I even have a couple in the living room in cabinets. My 1949 singer 15-88 Treadle and my 1959 Singer 404 in a cabinet with the knee control. I think that cabinet is a Singer,the Monticello type, if I have the name spelled correctly. Anyway, I do look forward to conversing with you all. I'm not always on the site, so I may have to play catch up at times. I'm grateful this site is available and all of you are out there. So thankful to be a member. Hope I can be of help someday to some of you someday. Take care all, and have a wonderful day!

Kit Kat ( My name is Kathy, I live in New Brunswick, Canada and will be 60 years old on July 1st, this year. )
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