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Old 04-22-2017, 08:53 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: East Kootenays, BC
Posts: 947

We are are own worst critics! I get so disgusted with my quilting at the time of quilting but have found when the quilt is done and my nose isn't inches away from the quilt as it is during the quilting process, you don't see all the little hiccups you've fretted about along the way. As someone else said, washing it also hides a lot of imperfections as well. I rip out very little, but if it will really bother you, then go ahead and rip it out and try again. The hardest part with quilting on a DSM to get even stitching is managing the drag of the quilt which until you try it, you don't really get it IMHO. So make sure your quilt is supported well as you move it through the machine and adjust the quilt very often before the drag happens and affects your quilting. It gets easier, but it takes some practice.
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