Old 02-08-2010, 04:40 AM
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Sew Cornie, I love your latest addition! The whole quilt really gets it for me. You did wonderful work on it! I can tell you worked especially hard on the math for it.

Marilibra's quilt is also turning out fantastic! I agree with Jen, it actually does look like it could easily be one quilters work.

I'm have really struggled with b.zang's quilt so far. Don't get scared yet. After a lot of research, I have picked the design I believe will work well for yours. I also have the materials that I think will blend with the others. I don't want any of my rounds on these quilts to stand out like a sore thumb, so there was much deliberation. Now for the easier part, the math and the actual sewing :-D, I hope :D . I won't give up! (the perfectionist in me is sometimes very difficult to deal with :shock:) Please, wish me success!
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