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Old 07-10-2017, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MadQuilter View Post
The good thing is that we'll be in the pickup which sits high so I don't think carsickness will be an issue. As for missing any sights.....DH has eagle eyes and he is great at alerting me to whatever is going on outside. We'll just have to work on him telling me BEFORE we pass whatever it is. "Honey did you see the deer back there?" Nope.
My DH is a skillful driver - but a very impatient one -

I am one of those that while driving, I think I am doing well if I keep my eyes on the road and check my mirrors often - he is one of those that likes to watch the eagle - that is now behind us - as he is going down the road. Drives me nuttier! Funny how he "never" seems to be able to spot yard/garage sale signs, though.

I knit - just squares in garter stitch - so no thinking involved -
I did a lot of hand-piecing when I rode with DH in the big truck. I prepped all the pieces ahead of time, and then had a "design wall" - a 14 x 14 inch square that i pinned the pieces on to make sure I assembled them correctly.
That block could be assembled in two different ways! Which I realized after comparing some of the blocks.

I don't get carsick - but I do need to stop frequently now - fortunately, DH also has to stop frequently now, too!
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